Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Faster than a sea monster, stronger than a demon, more powerful than a dragon, meet Beowulf, a medieval Geatish warrior willing to take on any challenge in order to make a name for himself. 

He is the prince of the Geats. 

A strong, kind-hearted and courageous warrior. He exemplifies the traits of a perfect hero. With his skills and talent, he can overcome all. He fears no enemy. Once he makes a vow, he stands by his word, no matter what the cost is.

He is reluctant to back down from battle, just so he can be there for the people who are in great need to be saved from evil. He signifies the true heroic character because he is willing to risk his life for his ideals. When fighting Grendel, a monster who has been terrorizing a village in the story, Beowulf fights hand-to-hand. This feat took great courage and skillful fighting.

 Beowulf fought many great battles and defeats three gruesome monsters, two of whom are descendants of Cain. This validates his reputation for bravery. He believed that everybody was equal and no one was greater or better than anybody else. 

In other words, Beowulf makes himself into a larger-than-life hero by constantly making things harder than they need to be. Do you know anybody who, no matter how easy they could make things for themselves, just needs to do it the difficult way every single time? Well, that's what Beowulf is like. It's not enough for him to travel to a distant land to fight a seemingly invincible demon – he has to throw his weapons aside and make it a hand-to-hand combat. It's not enough for him to kill one demon; he has to battle the demon's mother in her lair, too. And as soon as he hears about a dragon, he's got to seek it out and take it on practically alone, even though he knows it will probably kill him – and it does. 

Beowulf is a hero because of his outstanding fighting skills, his great strength, and finally his great loyalty. These are all major traits of a great hero.

Like Beowulf, I am also brave but in a different way. I don't fight in battles and kill monsters like Beowulf but I show bravery through a simple manner. I still stand tall with a smile on my face behind all those problems that's going through in my life. 
Overcoming obstacles and showing courage while doing it means that when a dangerous situation or a trial is placed in front of you, you do not quit or just sit and wait for someone to do something for you. You will step in there no matter how hard the task and will not give up, that's what true bravery means for me.